Thursday, May 3, 2007

Personal space, only weird if you breach it in the street

There's something weird about getting too close to someone. In the street, I mean... It's just not done. Standing right up 'in someone's face' when talking to them is way too confronting. It is especially so in Australia, where the continental expanse has an unseen effect on our psyche.

Simply put, we all like our personal spaces. It's a zone we own, beyond the boundaries of our homes. It's the unseen barrier that defines your social comfort zone.

Few people cross that line of demarcation.It's just not done. It's weird.

Then again, there is a place where personal space can be invaded. It's the one public space that should be breached. It's not a streetscape. It is, rather, the place you are in right now, the place where you read. Be it a book, magazine, net reader, website, email -- written communication works best when the author crosses a line.

Good writing will enter your personal space. It attracts interest, draws emotion, leaves marks, challenges beliefs, forces decision.

Good writing is not intrusive, but surgical, cutting to your heart with a healing clarity.

'Personal space' is no barrier for a good writer.It's a magnet.

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