Sunday, August 3, 2008

The One - playing up stereotypical fears?

One of the recent video advertisements by the McCain campaign is titled The One:

What bothers me about this video is the implication that Obama is somehow suggesting he is messianic. I don't see that in the prayer he posted in the 'Wailing Wall' while visiting Jerusalem recently, as shown.

I also do not see it in the words he uses when describing his faith in Jesus Christ. In Obama's own words, he 'accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior' and is 'a big believer in not just words, but deeds and works. I don't believe that the Kingdom of God is achievable on Earth without God's intervention, and without God's return through Jesus Christ, but I do believe in improvement.'

Before McCain's team rushes to label him Messianic, or attempting that card, I'd prefer to look at the humility of a prayer that seek's God's intervention and admits to needing God's forgiveness.

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