Thursday, April 12, 2007

Six digits, followed by a number

I am convinced we all have a new enemy, worse than any we might have imagined.

The threat we face is universal and impossible to control.

There is no defence. In fact, we have already permitted this offensive creature into our lives. Heck, we've even embraced it in all its deceptive and chameleon guises.

The enemy is our passwords! Call it a PIN, or an online nickname. Whatever. It's got us all by the 'user names' and we can't get out.

It controls our access to Hotmail accounts. It locks us out of tipping competitions when we fail to spell it correctly. It even chews up our Mastercard when we're busy having a conversation with a beloved at the Automatic Teller Monster and not paying enough attention to the square buttons of financial bliss.

These passwords have got to be stopped!

I alone am planning to wage a one-user campaign against these offensive multilingual legalists. And I have a plan...

Are you ready? The way to eliminate this pest is simple. All you have to do is --

BLOG INTERRUPTED: Enter Password _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Anonymous said...

Did it happen? Where did it go? Why did it go there?

Anonymous said...

Very funny. It all seems too familiar, really. I'm intrigued by your musings...

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